La gestión integrada de cuencas hidrográficas es fundamental para asegurar la sostenibilidad y el equilibrio ecológico en regiones donde coexisten la agricultura y la minería.
At WES we are professionals who are governed by values. For us, respect for the environment, curiosity and innovation, and safety and trust are extremely important. Thanks to this, we stand out for our development with continuous improvement that allows us to provide comprehensive solutions for our clients.
Hand in hand with the knowledge that experience in the market has given us, we clearly understand our role in society as a strategic ally of multiple companies and institutions with which, in a solid and constant way, the foundations are built and magnified in favor of the optimal management of water resources. With this in mind, we have designed a range of services and products from the amalgamation of a high-performance collaborative team and the use of information technology as our main tool.
Hydrogeological Studies
Hydrological Studies
Hydrogeochemical Studies
Monitoring of Environmental Components
Fraktal System for Data Management and Exploration
MODi for Telemetry and Remote Control
La gestión integrada de cuencas hidrográficas es fundamental para asegurar la sostenibilidad y el equilibrio ecológico en regiones donde coexisten la agricultura y la minería.
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