Hydrogeological modeling is subject to the specific characteristics of the study area to be evaluated (domain), such as: geology, hydrology, hydrochemistry and hydrogeology; and to the objectives and scope of the project, so it could not configure two (02) identical hydrogeological models, which despite being geographically located and not very far apart, would not generate precisely the same results.
Hydrogeological modeling has the purpose of analyzing the prediction and future behavior of the hydrogeological system. It is fundamentally based on a solid base represented by the conceptual model, which in turn requires a capacity for synthesis of the most representative variables.
The conceptual model must represent - in a descriptive and schematic way - the most important elements of the underground water system and their behavior; relying on own information (background and technical reports) and field data to search for data and concrete and specific information:
The numerical model results from converting the conceptual model into a mathematical representation, in which variables such as slope and topography, piezometric level, flow directions are included. In addition to the factors that favor such as flow, recharge and transit, and even concentrations of solutes.
WES PERÚ SAC, has contributed to the development of numerical models in order to help make viable investment projects in infrastructure, hydraulic, mining and industrial.
Today we share the case of an open pit mine that required analyzing the dynamics of groundwater and identifying the changes in the hydrogeological system generated during the future expansion of a non-metallic mine.
The control volume was delimited for the horizontal (related to streams and rivers) and vertical limits, analyzing the interaction between the saturated zone and the exploitation zone.
The boundary conditions (fixed level, fixed and / or mixed flow), the inputs and outputs of the system, the distributed zoning of the recharge by rainwater infiltration, in the model area were fixed and established.
Permeability data (determined in the conceptual model) were assigned to each hydrogeological unit, giving way to the calibration of the model in terms of water levels and flow, determining the permeabilities and entered variables presented coherence with respect to the records, tests and investigations, mainly obtained in the field.